Same as the original but with worse controls and better graphics.

I was always wondering why I never beat this as a kid and now that I've played it as an adult I realize why. The game is just not designed all that well. Platforms are too tiny for how slippery this plumber is. The game constantly feels like it's rushing you and with how short each level is, which means you can beat the whole game in like an hour, even if you're taking your time. Enemies don't provide anything other than points that add nothing to the gameplay. Breaking blocks more often hinders than helps so it's better to just ignore everything and reach the end as fast as possible. If I played this in 1985 I wouldn't think its the future of gaming. I would think that somebody ported an arcade game to a home console and thought to change nothing. Because that's what it is, an arcade game. It feels designed to waste your time and suck tokens out of you through cheap deaths and crap mechanics. It's really just frustrating to play all around. I think people would look at this a lot differently if it wasn't one of the best-selling games of all time and didn't start one of the biggest franchises in gaming history.

Actually, a lot of fun when you just play it every now and then with friends. But if you grind this game out every day for 2-3 months (as the predatory battle pass and rewards mechanics want you to do) I can see it getting really stale really quick.

With patches, better balancing and some better map design this could be one of the best modern pvp shooters. As is, it's a fun little time, but really only with friends. Very hard to play solo as teamwork is not really as well rewarded as it should be. Very buggy, bit too many particles for a game like this which can lag the game and crashes will happen. Also the Little class is busted and the heavy class is pretty useless without a medium.l to heal them 24/7. As it is tho. I highly recommend.

You ever notice how the Mario games that have bad level design always have a power-up that allows you to skip levels entirely. Almost as if the devs were not confident in their levels at all? Weird.