decided that i was going to sit down and beat this game today, with almost no guide (i ended up using one near end to get the 3 hearts i had missing before i went into dungeon 9) but other than that i did! i have a whole handmade map made with a pen and paper. check it out, here's mine. share yours in the comments. i wanna see your zelda map. if you don't have one, and you allegedly beat this game, you are a CHEATER and a FRAUD!
anyways this game sucks, i've noticed a pattern in third generation game structures. start is okay, middle is the peak of the game, which is usually also at best just fine, and then after that it rapidly goes downhill. i actually do not believe anybody at nintendo was actually sitting down and playing their games the whole way through after they were done. there's nothing as bad as like the metroid final boss, but they need to learn the human eye isn't supposed to fully focus on and track like 13 different things at once. there is an inordinate amount of cheap shots, especially by the goddamn wizrobes which can fuck off. especially when one hit gets rid of your most powerful weapon. i have no clue who decided that but its such a backfire that it's actually insane. getting more hearts makes you WEAKER because it makes it harder to get back to max, thus making it harder to get the sword beam back. what the hell were they thinking? imagine if you could only run in mario when you had a mushroom. anyways i could complain all day but this game stinks dont play it, unless you wanna play then play it.
anyways i'll leave you off on this tidbit, or a call for help or whatever. can someone PLEASE tell me what these hints mean. i have no clue.
"eastmost penninsula is the secret."
"there's a secret in the tip of the nose."
"10th enemy has the bomb."
"spectacle rock is an entrance to death"
"eyes of skull has a secret."
i have no idea what any of these were supposed to mean. so if someone could tell me it would be much appreciated just so i dont wonder for the rest of my life.

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2023


1 year ago

idk about the others but the bomb hint is related to item drops. first three minutes of this video explains it

1 year ago

There's a secret in the tip of the nose is because the dungeon is shaped like a face and the secret passage to the boss is in the "nose" at the top right.

Eyes of skull has a secret is because the dungeon you hear that tip in is shaped like a skull and the two "eyes" of the skull contain the Compass and Princess Zelda.

1 year ago

"Spectacle Rock is an entrance to death" is a hint regarding the entrance to Level 9. That place you bombed is Spectacle Rock.

...and Eastmost Penninsula doesn't mean anything. That hint is total nonsense, nobody knows what it's supposed to mean concretely.

1 year ago

@UnluckyLucky i see. i found level 9 by complete accident early on by just bombing those 2 rocks because i thought they looked suspicious lmao. also i can't believe they just had a fake hint in this game! doesnt the localization team have STANDARDS!?!

1 year ago

@FrozenRoy i have no clue how i didn't connect the dots for the skull one that makes completely sense. for the tip of the nose, i dont really see the dungeon looking like a face tbh but i guess it makes sense.