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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 9, 2022

First played

July 14, 2021

Platforms Played


Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels has some really fun levels, but honestly it's mainly just the first on hard mode with worse controls and no originality. You can't tell the difference between this and the first and the game doesn't have anything to make it stand out. The boss fights are the same, some of the levels are copy paste, and the gameplay is the same and somehow worse. There are fun levels and I'd say every world has one or two good ones, which isn't good at all. I liked some additions like the wind but other than that Lost Levels is a useless sequel that I find more annoying and irritating than fun.

Bit of a disappointment after the first Super Mario Bros. I think it gets a bit too much hate, but man it's way harder. It's stupid hard. I wanted the first to be harder but dang, this is WAY too much on the difficulty. It's not terribly bad, but it could've been better! I think outside of that it's still a fun platformer. Some of the levels do feel like Super Mario Maker trolls, but they are still fun. The mechanics in this game do suck though. There were so many times where I was hitting jump and Mario didn't jump. He just stood there and died. I did rewind occasionally, but I only rewound the game when it was indeed the controller not responding. If I lost a life from not paying attention and hitting a goomba, I'd let it go. But if it's because Mario didn't jump when I hit the button, I would. The game is alright and has a very redeeming ending, but I will not return to this game for a LONG time. The first Mario is extremely replayable, but this one is gonna be a while until I play again.