Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

January 10, 2024

First played

January 8, 2024

Platforms Played


leaving this here as a work in progress. i am roughly 4 hours in this game. i would refund it but i can't so i'm hopefully going to beat it but i already have so much other shit that i could be playing that maybe i just never will.
i set a budget out for this game and i wish i had just gotten Lords of the Fallen or 2 indie games instead of this.

very upset.

i made a video about my frustration about this game and in the process of making it the game finally clicked for me and i ended up beating it. I spent hours initially being upset at this game for what it was doing that i didn't really take the time to appreciate what it was doing in the first place.
Truly in a world of it's own.

Sometimes art requires patience. Sometimes it requires persistence.

Sometimes you realize that your distaste isn't a loop of negativity, it's a spiral.