honk mimimi ass game. guns and plasmids both feel bad, aesthetic is well realized but falls flat by the time you get to the half-way point. I Too Like Art-Deco, but it's not really interesting past a point, a point Bioshock isn't willing to explore. the story is as nothing as they come, bottom of the barrel Metatextual Filler, "isn't it fucked that you do whatever a game asks?" without any option to push back. like a meaningless Spec Ops: The Line.

Libertarian Gaming.

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2023


5 months ago

the guns and plasmids are limp so the wrench can be one of the best melee weapons in games.

5 months ago

Bro wtf are you talking about

5 months ago

I am talking about the game Bioshock Infinite, thank you for asking

5 months ago

@VEN0M Bro wtf are YOU talking about

5 months ago

@Squigglydot videogame vulgar

5 months ago

Some people are so afraid to see a girl cook

5 months ago

None of the 19 inches of Venom would ever care about video game vulgarity.....

4 months ago

Enjoyed the review and agree with pretty much everything despite still mostly enjoying this game when I last played it a few years ago. What do you mean by libertarian gaming btw? That the subtext of the game is actually pro-libertarianism despite being set in a failed libertarian utopia? Like how the whole “a man chooses” mantra is portrayed as a self evident truth and words to live by and the way the gameplay enforces that despite the games story being anti libertarian on the surface? Hadn’t thought about that before but would help explain why Andrew Ryan is idolized by a lot of fans of this game.

4 months ago

@Parallax_M Glad you enjoyed it! It does come down to a lot of what you're saying, especially through that whole "a man chooses" thing... But the main reason I wrote that is because Ken Levine, the big figure-head behind Bioshock and Infinite is a libertarian, and it has a habit of bleeding into his work.