I have less to say about this game than I think most people would expect of me. I played 2016 and this game out of... it would probably be best described as a reverent obligation. "You GOTTA play some DOOM eventually, and those two new ones are pretty dang cool it seems!" So much rides on this name, this pioneer of PC gaming and 3D design and the shooter genre as a whole, that I was excited to eventually give these games their due. And yes, they are indeed ridiculously fun. My brain is not built for first-person navigation and my hands are not built for keyboard and mouse necessarily, so making do in both titles as things got hectic proved taxing to the point of exhaustion sometimes, but I'd be stupid to not acknowledge the superb foundation that is DOOM 2016 and the mad brilliance that is DOOM Eternal. I got too exhausted to keep going for all the secrets, despite the secret design and optional content being wonderful; I got too exhausted to engage with the games at their hardest, sticking to Hurt Me Plenty for the sake of completing the games; and I got too exhausted to partake in my favorite pastime of consuming lore like a power-hungry crypto mine, even though what I have understood of it is positively my favorite flavor of ludicrous.

Modern DOOM is truly great, but it works against how I'm wired and it wears me the hell out. That's the best way to describe it, I feel. Rip and tear, friends.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
