All the comments talking about how much this game falls to pieces in the third act were not joking, man. I already wasn't completely on board with this like most other people (mainly because I found the movement to be very slow and constantly bogged down), but I liked it well enough and loved the Raimi/Hooper inspiration in the first act. The horror wore off on me quick, but still had some good scares throughout, enough to not feel bored. Of course, again, this all goes to pot once the second act closes. You can feel how forced the third act is, to the point where you could sum everything that happens in it up with a document. The drawn-out unskippable cutscenes and repetitive videotape sections throughout the game (but especially near the end) aren't great, either.

I haven't played the DLCs yet, maybe they'll enhance some of the game for me, but this was honestly a letdown for how much it had been hyped. The first act was gold, second act was pretty good, third act was a total bomb that kinda soured the whole experience for me. Not a bad game at all; hell, the characters here are some of my favorites in the series (save for the bland-ass protagonist), but it's not one I could see myself coming back to too often, and if I do, it'll be after I learn some speedrun strats for the last couple sections.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2024
