Is it dated? Yes.
Is it goofy? Most definitely.
Are the other RE games better atmospherically? Probably.
Do I care? Absolutely fuckin' not.

This is a blast from beginning to end, with all the stupid charm of the original games amped up to 11; cheesy one-liner after cheesy one-liner, zombies with machine guns, a Napoleon cult leader, it's all just so damn good. The escort missions don't suck, the gameplay is basic but so rewarding, the pacing is surprisingly well-done for a game like this... just talking about it all makes me want to drop what I'm typing and replay it.

My main fault with the game is that the feedback in the boss fights is really poor, and you're kinda left aimlessly shooting, but... man, I can't knock points off for that because it's still just so fun. Plus, it'll only take you at most 2 or 3 tries before you realize what to do, so it's not that bad.

With all of the different styles it goes for (and pulls off), this thing just oozes with shlocky, Evil Dead-esque charm from start to finish, and for that, I can't not love it.

Story of my life.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2021
