I'll be fair and not score this since I didn't complete it, but even if I did want to score it, I don't know what it'd be. More than anything, this game is interesting. It's neat to kind of go back in time and see my favorite game franchise's roots, concepts that would get reused or honed in future installments, and for what it is, it is still pretty impressive just how much they got right on the first go. But I can't bring myself to keep going. The disjointed level design, mixed atmosphere (either really great or pretty flat), and overall combat jankiness make this an unenjoyable experience for me. The only reason I played the original was so that I could see its art style before going onto the remake, as I didn't want just one version to live in my mind. I don't think the remake will solve all my problems, but I have hopes it will at least feel smoother than this. At the end of the day, even if I don't like playing this game, I can really respect it and especially Miyazaki's vision.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2023


1 year ago

Miyazaki and Kajii's legacy*. The man was incredibly important for the game's inspirations. I dont use this as a mansplain space but as a reason to respect Takeshi Kajii's input since most of the attention holds in Miyazaki and literally no one else, not even Naotoshi Zin (the mastermind of From Software's aesthetics)
dont worry, the remake solved nothing. playing it rn, definitely better than the remake but overall it isnt great