You just won a lifetime supply of...NOTHIN!

The cookie box minigame is responsible for most of my anxiety.

During the early 2000s, there were like a dozen Muppets games shilled out on GBA, and I was foolish enough to buy almost all of them, including this VERY forgettable pinball game.

Before millions of kids wasted time on 3D Space Cadet Pinball, Pokemon Pinball was probably the top choice in Y2K era pinball games, and for good reason. Addictive, unique, and still holds up well today.

If I ever popped acid and still had a GBA, this would be one of the first games I'd play.

Genuinely has enough dialogue to double as a full-length Penguins of Madagascar episode.

Unfortunately, I'm just not a Sims fan. Got this for free with the free PS Plus monthly game a while back and I just get bored of these really quickly. At least with the raunchier older games, it's less sterilized.

This was one of the games I was never allowed to get at Blockbuster as a kid. I wish I was still allowed to not get it as an adult.

For some reason, I played far more Mario Party clones as a kid than actual Mario Party. This isn't quite Muppets Party Cruise level of legend, but it's the next in a string of banger ass Spongebob games released in the mid-2000s.

QWOP with tentacles. Fun, goofy, very short. It's a one note joke throughout but a good one.

Singlehandedly changed video game history by introducing the greatest character in all of mankind, Big the Cat.

Kinda like that old flash game Bloxorz, but with a creepypasta edge filled with nothingness. This plays like an early 2010s mobile game. This is fine for 10 - 15 minutes, gets old quickly.

One of my favorite classic PS1 games is Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue, which has stellar controls and seemingly infinite (and beyond) replayability. This? This is not that. This is, in fact, the very opposite, as Buzz slips and slides all over lazy maps with no story or reason to give a shit. You are a sad, strange little game.

In the midst of early 2000s Super Smash-mania, somebody decided they really wanted Godzilla and Mothra to fight in big cities, but didn't own the trademarks, so they took the great value brand versions of those movie monsters and made a pretty mid PS2 title out of it.