This dragged on and on forever and felt like a soulless Arkham copy - just so boring.

Criminally boring. I expected so much more out of this with its unique story and setting but was incredibly disappointed.

I really wanted to like this. The first two Life is Strange games were phenomenal and I was fully immersed in the characters and environment - I struggled to care even a little about the characters here, and the story just slogs on and on. The first chapter is ridiculously slow paced and barely anything happens, and it doesn't pick up much after that. Just so boring. Incredibly disappointing sequel.

Expected underwater Fallout, got something entirely different with great FPS mechanics, but a story that felt a little lackluster and went on for too long.


Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

A neat creation suite game that still feels very pandemic-era. It's not my type of thing, but it's a cool concept that beats a lot of failed attempts at doing a Roblox-like style game on consoles. Dreams is currently in its waning days, but even if it were still hot, I'm not quite sure I would have stuck around for even another couple of days, it loses my interest quickly, but I also recognize there's an audience for it, and it adopts a lot of the best creation parts of the Little Big Planet series.

One of the all-time great racing games and a Crash classic.

An incredibly fun game that unfortunately overstays its story mode welcome. Should have ended far sooner than it did. Some great characters and storytelling to be found here.

Barely fantastic, and the story mode levels drag on and on and on forever.


DC's stab at a Mortal Kombat style fighter game is pretty good and has an expansive, fun roster.

That Warped port with the Krang looking dude. Very mid. The mechanics on the spinning ball thing were so ridiculously irritating as a kid.

Story mode is decent. Shit gets reaaaal when you unlock the shuffleboarding minigame.

You will not find a more 2000s game than this. Simple Plan and Smash Mouth on the soundtrack. A partnership with Nokia cell phones. Some of the most butt ugly fucking character designs ever in the Olliewood stage. Incredibly, incredibly aged but that's half the fun. There were a lot of bad Pro Skater knockoffs in the early 2000s - this wasn't one of them.