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This game is an interesting proof of concept and the core gameplay flow is really fun. I'd be excited if I saw any snake bullet hell hybrids being made in the future due to my experience with this game.

That being said, this game is not good. There are plenty of good bosses, but the shit bosses are shit, and even a lot of the good bosses don't use the snake aspect of the game to its fullest whatsoever. In a game that should be centered around movement and weaving around bullets, so much of it is centered around reacting to sudden patterns or turtling up in focus mode.

World exploration and story also take up so much time without adding anything or being that entertaining. Or that's what I would have said if everything related to the final boss storywise wasn't such a flop ON TOP OF the final boss being one of the worst bosses I've ever fought on the hardest difficulty. Hate describing things based on number ratings, but the final boss and act of the story dropped this game from like a 6/10 to like a 4/10.

It was THIS close to being one of the most fun games I've played this year, but it is what it is.