2 reviews liked by SteffStuff

Shouts to all the legends who played this in the early 2000s.

Practically the best game in the penguin-racing genre. Graphics and music create a very comfy atmosphere. The gameplay and the controls are very simple, but the tracks get increasingly more complex, which makes this game easy to get into, but hard to master. It sort of does that thing some Sonic games do, where it starts introducing several different paths per track, but they all intertwine and aren't clearly designated. And the game doesn't steer you towards one or the other, but instead allows you to choose organically. This creates a feeling of a cohesive world that we just happen to inhabit, rather than a video game level that was designed specifically for the player.

If this game was remade with more content, more realistic physics and destructible environments, it would be perfect. Also I'd love to see ports for handheld consoles.

this is the worst possible way to play this game but when i was 11 this changed my life