Fantastic game. It's a hallmark of video game design, incredibly satisfying to explore and uncover all of its labyrinthian secrets. Even though it's not really scary anymore, the game still delivers a tense experience through its mechanics of scarce ammo and health items. Death is always just around the corner.

I especially like the setting, first traversing through a destroyed city infested with zombies, walking past debris and raging fires before finally arriving at the infamous police station. You'll travel through more varied environments before reaching the game's satisfying conclusion.
It feels more grounded than the first Resident Evil with it's Rube Goldberg-machine like mansion and it's quirky death puzzles.

It's a short game that warrants multiple playthroughs to get the most out of it. Well worth the time and effort.

Reviewed on Apr 09, 2024

1 Comment

21 days ago


It's up to us to take out Umbrella.