28 reviews liked by SteppaPig

thank you for not making MC a degenerate creep

probably the best "western RenPy eroge" game out there
a lot of filler text but still very good

who tf gives a rating to this,its like more than 3 different games

Ive spent alot of time wondering why this game gets away with being one large ironic meme and other games dont as much, and I feel like Ive figured it out. This will sound crazy, but really think about it: the answer is restraint. It rides the line really well and thats how it elevates itself above its less memorable peers.

Just take the Mario segment for example. It is just an asset rip and naked reference to another popular preexisting game - and yet almost no one remembers it as that or feels that way about it. Clearly there was a transformative execution there.

True ending achieved; All Items, 0 Constipation Rate, Completed A Speckless Odyssey

100% Help: <https://www.tumblr.com/memoriesoffear/72854888605>

I have no clue why but I guess you can play a fuckton of shitty mobile games with no ads in your browser now through YouTube??? Maybe these are supposed to have ads, this feels like a game that only exists to serve you ads, but my adblocker seems to have caught them anyways. So brave of Google to step up their game and give you keys jingling in an environment even more interactive than YouTube Shorts.

At level 20 the sky changes from blue to orange, and then at 40 it just alternates back. I locked into this for 30 minutes for a third color, God damn it

as soon as this game ended i went online and enlisted in the US army. no child will ever suffer like this again on my watch

The greatest hero/dark route split in any game, as you can choose to be the Cuban government or the CIA, respectively

JFK should've headbutted the bullet like an anime character it would've been hard as fuck

they made us play this in class. still don’t know why

Daily reminder that this game is technically CP, so if you own this game, FUCKING TRASH IT

1 list liked by SteppaPig