"A Plague Tale: Requiem" is a game that will make you forget a lot of the first installment's problems. The game's enhanced graphics and longer chapters bring the story to life and immerse the player in the world of the game.

One of the most significant improvements in "Requiem" is the introduction of new gameplay mechanics, such as the crossbow and new ways to avoid the rats, that adds an extra layer of depth and strategy to the game. Upgrades for Amicia are also more abundant, and they are all incredibly useful, which makes it harder to decide which one to prioritize.

However, it's not all good in "Requiem." Amicia's character development feels a bit off. She becomes more aggressive and careless, which doesn't align with her previous character arc. And don't get me started on the rushed and unsatisfying ending. The game built up so much lore and story, only to throw it all away with a poor and rushed execution of the ending.

But let's focus on the positives, shall we? The sound design is exceptional, and the game's atmospheric visuals will leave you breathless. The game has a lot to offer to fans of action-adventure and stealth games. If you loved the first game, then you will enjoy the enhancements and improvements made in "Requiem."

Overall, "A Plague Tale: Requiem" is a fantastic game that is definitely worth playing. Just be warned that the ending may leave you wanting more. But if you can overlook that, then you are in for a real treat. So, grab your slingshot, and get ready to take on the plague once more!"

crypto/NFT garbage that basically has no content to play.

For a free game that is a teaser for Life is Strange 2 this was really enjoyable. if you want to experience some adventures through the eyes of a child again but still also some emotional scenes that are typical for Life is Strange games then just play it there is nothing to lose!

It's a really great little game :) The puzzles are sometimes a bit confusing but there are enough hints for the answers :)

The Game wasn't that much fun I only played it for the achievements...

Well, the game only costs 2,39€ but for an hour of gameplay that is okay. The game has different minigames and I think that makes the whole thing worse. I mean they aren't that bad but it feels like the developer made some minigames and put them in one game to sell it.

I wouldn't buy it but if you like some small minigames and a short game then buy it because they're more games on steam that are worse than this.

Even for 99 cents not really good. The movement is bad, the music annoying, and the graphics for this simple style are really bad. Just don't waste your money on this (it's only okay for getting 5 achievements ^^)

Firstly I have to say it's kinda funny and I guess also planned by the devs that it took 12h to finish it.
So to start the characters are great. The design is maybe not the best (but is still a personal preference) but I can't ask for more if it's F2P. What I'm not that much of a fan of are the background images. Sure they got a filter and some look good but most are really bad (I Hate Real Life images in VNs). If we talk about the puzzles they are okay but it feels like some are way too easy and some feel nearly impossible to solve,,,, The Story is nothing special but it works and I don't think it's that easy to predict what happens. What I hated the most is the class trial because even though it was so simple it felt like a lot of stuff that made sense is wrong and your only option is it to get the correct answer through trial and error :/

Overall it's a great VN and I recommend everyone to try it out (I mean it's free so you have nothing to lose)

NFT Bullshit and it runs terribly while it looks terrible

garbage cryptocurrency autobattler game. Don't support this! Even if you only look at the gameplay aspect it's terrible.


Doesn't make fun at all... I only had it open for the achievements. But for back then it was good I guess but it didn't age well.

This review was written before the game released

This game was really a lot of fun and I hope we see it back soon.


Garbage NFT game. The Gameplay of this MOBA is also extremely terrible and unpolished. It feels like this game only exist for the NFT stuff.

Low quality, garbage porn game. There isn't even a story except collect XY and thats it. Most likely the gameplay aspect only exists for the naked "porn" stuff.

Only bought of for the achievements and everyone who wants the achievements too just get them and refund this crap.

It is a free Visual Novel on Itch.io that took me around 12 minutes to finish. It was kinda nice and I like the art style because it's kinda cute but the story is kinda boring because everything happens in one day which makes no sense. If the VN would be a bit longer and everything happens in a few days or weeks with time skips it would be way better.

So you can try it out yourself because it's really short but you don't miss anything if not.

I'm sry but just after 15min I can't continue it :/ The sound effects are so low quality and the real life backgrounds doesn't fit at all into this. Also at the beginning there is a fight for a few minutes and all we see is the stupid background.... Yeah it's a visual novel but how about characters? How about changing camera angles of the room? It just feels like the most work was done on the script, then the characters and the backgrounds and soundeffects are something you found on the internet.

The whole Visual Novel is really deterrent and I would be more interested in reading the story as a normal text than forcing myself to read it in this VN. It just feels rushed so you can continue on phase 2 and don't need to work on this anymore :/

Well if anyone is interested in the achievements just skip through everything and you get them really fast.