The graphics are very good for a 2004 game (I first played this on 2021). The gameplay is good. While playing, some glitches have gotten in the way of the full enjoyment. The AI also is quite unrealistic at times. The story is not very memorable.

A huge improvement and changes from the first game. Although, some of the missions can get pretty repetitive, and QoL features are lacking. The controls can get iffy sometimes but other than that, a solid game.

Good graphics. Very good controls. Story is alright. I don't really fancy the antagonist being psychotic for the sake of being psychotic. The usual Ubisoft designed gameplay loop is engaging enough for me to keep playing.

A much better antagonist than 4, this cult themed game story is slightly better in terms of storytelling compared to previous iterations. Graphics are godly. Standard Ubisoft gameplay loop with some additions, so that's something.

Graphics are okay, even for its time. Aesthetic might look bland I feel at a certain point of the story. Gameplay is quite alright, can get pretty repetitive at some point. Story is actually quite simple to follow and actually interesting with a twist of the real-world history.

A very good game. Huge improvement from the first game. Gameplay does not feel repetitive. Story is quite engaging. Graphics is alright but it did a very good job of nailing the aesthetic.

Reinterpretation of a game with classic games aesthetic. Story was over-the-top and slightly meta. Graphics is in-tuned with the theme. Gameplay was also very good but too short and not very memorable despite all the very interesting themes.

Another very creative interpretation of an established franchise at the time. Very good implementation of stone age aesthetic. Phenomenal graphics. Gameplay loop is very good, very addicting at some point. Story was not really memorable aside from some side missions.

Personally, I immediately fall in love with the game. The long cutscene might threw some people off but the story is godly. The beat 'em up gameplay might look generic on surface level but there are a lot of mechanics that enhances the game's combat. Outside of combat, the mini-games, side stories, the jokes and the aesthetic have been all executed perfectly to make the game engaging every second of the time playing.

The gameplay did its job well compared to the usual Yakuza gameplay. The story did not reach the heights of 0, but pretty good at its own. Graphics and aesthetics are very good and fit well with the game. The Yakuza series flavor, such as the mini-games and the side stories, still hold pretty well in this game.

A very enjoyable game. Graphics are okay but nailed the aesthetic. Gameplay is very fun and does not feel repetitive. Story is quite easy to follow, but overall its alright.

Huge improvement of graphics, thanks to Dragon Engine. But the story took a huge downgrade because of some questionable plot conveniences and twists. Yakuza mini-games and side-stories are some of the highlights of this game.

Graphics are very phenomenal. The themes are very consistent. The story is simple to follow but very lackluster. The world and characters also feels a little bit empty and hard to get into, despite the some added flavour. Gunplay is amazing in-tuned with the graphics, but that's about it.

A very solid game unfortunately overshadowed by its predecessors. Story is not really memorable. The aesthetic also might get a little bland at times. Graphics are alright. The gameplay is what holds this game up, able to vary its structure from time to time.

Graphics is very good although sometimes the execution fails in the form of glitchy animation. The aesthetic at some parts of the game is quite bland. Other times though it can be visually pleasing, especially at the city sections. The story are quite alright but sometimes very awkward in delivery. Gameplay mechanics might get repetitive but mission structure are different enough to maintain engagement.