Ok, so having played 30 and W before this, I will say that I was expecting it to be a bit of a smooth ride for me with more that I liked but I am happy to say that my expectations we exceeded. Tons of familiar characters in different forms, a lot of units that I liked to used, some new anime for me to watch. It even kicked me down a few times, which I was not expecting. This was also probably my favorite story of the three SRW games I've played so far.

Overall, very fun and would recommend giving a try if you can get your hands on it

Very fun game and a pretty damn good evolution of the formula in my opinion. While I do prefer the three captain set up of Pikmin 3, I love what this game did in it's own right.

The return of caves, having every Pikmin type available, the Dandori battles and challenges, there is just a lot here and I would defiantly recommend giving this a pick up if you can.

Honestly a fantastic game. Has a lot of different Mecha anime rep, a pretty nice cast of characters and not a bad first step for the first DS Super Robot Wars.
Will say that the combat systems did feel a bit weird through out the whole thing, but that is mostly from my playing on SRW 30 before hand. It was also a good bit harder than what I was used to in 30, but that is not a bad thing at all.
Overall, I would recommend this to anyone looking to play SRW, though I would recommend first timers to the series to be careful and go in with an open mind.