Perfect closure to Nathan Drake's story. Probably my favorite Uncharted game even though I love them all.

A Batman Arhkam metroidvania could be something great. This ain't it though.

Spiritual reboot of the notoriously difficult PS1 Rayman. This one isn't as hard.

You'll only play this for the artstyle and humor, if any of those are up your alley. Gameplay is very barebones.

Visceral Games' take (Dead Space) take on God of War. Art and music direction are peak. Game starts off very strong though you can feel the budget and deadline constricting the closer you get to the end (guess who the publisher is). There's some very interesting physics in the final boss fight. Fun few hours if you're looking for a decent hack and slash, though don't expect 5 page move lists.

I'll try not to look at the game with rose-tinted nostalgia glasses as much as I can. I loved just sailing the seas and plundering all the ships and exploring the world when I was little (and just played anything that came my way).

Now that I've grown and can see past the initial appeal. It starts off strong though content and anything new to see run dry rather quickly. Ships are cool, jungles are cool, the (two) cities are decent to climb about; all of that becomes repetitive past the 10 hour mark.

The story had potential as well but felt like it was thrown on a wild goose chase somewhere in the middle and towards the end they remembered they had to resolve the whole Assassin's vs Templars conflict. The characters are greatly portrayed and the voice work is nice. The off-Animus sequences felt a little out of touch and their resolution was weird to say the least (not sure if there's any connection to AC3 in that regard, don't remember much).

All in all it's a fun pirate game if you just want to turn off your brain and plunder ships, don't expect the most variety when it comes to content though.

First Gran Turismo game I got to "completion". Both the UI and progression in this game are probably some of the worst you can get in a racing game. The game still plays well and the car variety is nice, even though some of the cars needed for some races straight up don't appear in the Dealerships, probably betting too much on now defunct online features. I'd only play if you're trying to go through every mainline GT game.


Has a big tendency to freeze/crash. Avoid if you care for the health of your system.

Slog. Not sure if it was my initial loadout but battles were stupidly easy. Very repetitive. I got up to 8 hours of this, not sure how I'd get to the asking 80-100 to complete the game.

Hope you like 500 text logs before you can take any action

Drive around as a lunatic simulator. Swapping cars is fun, the cars handle remarkably well and the soundtrack has plenty of bangers. The "story" is forgettable and its pace is killed by having to play random missions to progress. Other than driving it's not reminiscent of the older games. You can do a lot worse for a 7th gen racer.

Become a totally not Sabrina the Teenage Witch/Sailor Moon vigilante with a black cat companion and command gravity to save the day(?). It's a pretty game to look at, the gravity altering stuff is (mostly) well iterated. Combat is very simplistic and leaves a lot to be desired. Personally I'm a fan of the world/lore and how it's laid out but the story itself is awkwardly paced and fails to answer any of the questions it brings up. It still is one of the staple games on the Vita and it does have its moments. There's a sequel on the PS4 if you're really into the first game.

Live out your Akira Kurosawa fantasies.