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Too bad this game is gone. It did not deserve it's fate. It wasn't the perfect game by any means, but it was still fun.
My complaints, which make me feel kind of bad considering it is dead:
1. The endgame was a gacha nightmare. You had to have the exact right things at their max levels to stand a chance.
2. The events got repetitive.
3. The mode where Tyro actually went into the FF worlds was fun but ultimately disappointing. It hyped up Tyro messing with the normal timelines, but all that happened was Tyro getting pep talks by the FF heroes. Super disappointing. I was hoping for him causing huge changes, like preventing Aerith from dying, getting branded a L'Cie, stopping Kefka from moving the statues, etc.
It did not deserve to be shut down, by any means. Such a shame.