Leave it to any random studio to make a better Pokémon game than the Pokémon Company.

I played this for a bit and yeah, it's a bit fun. Personally, I am kinda sick of survival games so I just dropped it for now, but the Pokémon with guns and slavery parts are fun and make the game stand out a lot more.

Damn, this game is boring as all fuck. It's a cool concept I guess, but the execution is just so incredibly lame that's the actual scary part.

For starters, I like the idea of getting into a haunted home and trying to make contact with the ghost that lives there...But in order to do that, the game throws like a 100 different gadgets and tools that you have to grab, and put all over the house, and go back to the van so you can grab more, and then memorize what each thing does and how the combine with one another...It's just too much.

Half of the time I was just trying to remember what to take to the house and why, or moving back and forth just moving stuff. This game honestly feels more like I'm playing a simulation of what I am expected to do in my new job, and the horror aspect is just a afterthought.

I like that each ghost you encounter is unique and each one have their own ways of attacking and scare the player...But from what I played, it seems like they all kill you the exact same way, which completely defeats the point of making each ghost feel unique. All I saw whenever I got killed, was a pair of hands showing up in my screen, and then I was teleported to a random room with the specific ghost of that round, then I am dead and all I can do is watch my friends play the game.

But it's not even scary when you get teleported to this random flesh room with the ghost. Not only because it is the same every time, but also because the fucking thing does nothing, it only stands there! Not even a cheap jumpscare!

In fact, the character animation in this game is just mediocre in general; not only do the ghosts barely do anything, but the way these characters move is so cheap looking. They don't even emote in any way, it just looks so bad and completely takes me out of any immersion I could've had.

I only played this game because a friend suggested it, but damn is this one of the most boring horror games I have ever played...And I played 4 of the FNAF games.

What is it with GTA IV main characters living in such terrible conditions?

It's alright. It's just more GTA IV but with bikers and some cool new guns. I didn't love it but I also didn't hate it.

I like that you can call your biker friends to help you during missions. I also appreciate that it was over before I even realized it.

Yoooooooooo, Rayman is so fucking broken lmao.

Another guest star DLC where Mario is nowhere to be found, but I guess this time around is because they only wanted to use characters created by Ubisoft. I don't really mind anyway, since this is pretty much as fun as I expected it to be, even more.

This DLC is the better one by far, really mixing things up with how different Rayman works compared to the other characters. The overall formula is still the same as in the main game when it comes to exploring this new location, but the actual battles are so much more entertaining because of how busted Rayman is and how much crazy shit he can do.

It was also a pleasant surprise to see the turn limit requirement from the first game make a return! Except now it is better since it only affects some of the most important fights, not all of them. This means you can still relax a bit more in random enemy encounters without having to worry about ending the fight in 3 turns to get the max amount of coins.

I'm also glad to see the Phantom again, and his song is probably even better than the one in the first game, he is a great villain and I love him. The final fight against him is a bit too easy tho.

Overall, this is a great conclusion to what I already considered a great game. I hope this isn't the last we see, not just of the Mario + Rabbids franchise, but also Rayman.

Now THIS is what I want to see from AAA games. I just don't know that I can say about this game...It's just really, reaaally good.

I like this interpretation of the guardians, the game looks fantastic, the writing is good and the characters are funny, the motion capture and animations are amazing, there are a few cool alternate costumes for each character, and the combat system is really fun and engaging.

I adore the idea of pausing the entire fight every once in a while so Peter can have a quick pep talk with his team, and depending on the approach you take, you either inspire all of them or fail miserably and only you get powered up. It's just too good.

I also really like the selection of licensed music they picked. They were clearly heavily inspired by the James Gunn movies, but they still picked songs that the movies never used, while still composing original ones I think. Actually, the entire game feels more like its own unique take on the guardians and these crazy characters; it isn't just a one to one copy of the movie versions, which I appreciate.

Only a few times I felt like the writing was a little bit too corny, or the character animations were too awkward when looking at what the characters are supposed to be expressing. But that was never too distracting.

Overall, this was a really pleasant experience, and a really fun and exciting game. Please give it a shot if you haven't, chances are you will really enjoy it, even if you are not a fan of capeshit or Marvel. It is much more than just that.


A friend kept INSISTING that I played this game, over and over and over again. I was always like "Yeah, later", but it was never my priority; even knowing that everyone praised this game and everyone bitched and moaned when it didn't win at the game awards against some random game that nobody played.

Well, I played it recently and......Boy, do I ever regret not playing this game any sooner. I didn't play that many games in 2023...But this is it to me, this IS the best game of 2023.

I love almost everything about this weird ass game.

- The concept
- The character designs
- The sprite work
- The animations
- How expressive this game is
- Its sense of humor
- The difficulty
- The level design
- The gameplay loop
- The bosses
- The fast paced platforming

I don't know! I just don't know how I can describe this game and make it justice! It is just batshit insane the entire time and I LOVE IT!!!

And if you go for the P ranks like I did, it's gonna take you forever to beat this game 100% and it's going to be one of the most stressful experiences you will have playing a videogame. But I didn't care, because BLASTING through every single level at mach 3 while being an unstopabble force, that will not surrender to ANYONE until his precious pizzeria is safe.....It feels fucking amazing and super satisfactory!

Especially getting to that second lap. Simply managing to do the whole level from beginning to end and back without dropping the combo...And then running all the way to the beginning of the level WITHOUT DROPPING THE COMBO A SECOND TIME?! It just feels too powerful...

The only things I dislike about this game are some levels that I am not a fan of (About 2 at most, in the whole game), I fucking hate Vigilante...Such an annoying boss. And I also DESPISED P RANKING THE FINAL BOSS.

P ranking Pizza Face was so fucking stressful and frustrating to me, that after so many retries I was legitimately feeling the same primal rage that Peppino was feeling in-game. In that moment, he became me and I became him. We both became one singular entity of pure cosmic furiousness and anxiety...It was cathartic in a way.......

Outside of that, I absolutely adore this fucking game, and I can't wait to replay the whole thing and get all the P Ranks for a lap 2 in like two months from now.


More Half-Life. More Half-Life is good.

It's cool seeing everything from the perspective of the soldiers and how they also got screwed over. Although, it seems kinda pointless because I don't think Valve has done anything with the main character in this game since this thing came out? (I know it's not so much a Valve game but a Gearbox game. But still, Barney is still around).

I will say tho. At times this one felt a bit more bullshit than Half-Life, that last portion of the game can be a real pain in the ass, and it didn't help that I was trying to beat the whole thing in one sitting...Which took longer than I was hoping.

Anyway, it's still a fun time and I'm glad I finally got to play it.

P.S: Play the training mode. I picked it just for the lols and I ended up learning a few things that saved me from getting stuck in a few areas. It is also really fun and immersive!

Yeah, it's a bit too easy compared to both the original Half-Life and Opposing Force. But it still is a solid expansion of Half-Life.

This time is from the perspective of Barney, who does actually return in Half-Life 2. Pretty neat!

People say that this one is too easy and too short...And I mean...It is. But after having played the other two back to back....Easy and short is exactly what I needed...

I like it for what it is. It still is a pretty solid FPS that also re-tells the events of HL1 in a different and unique way.

Another random game I just remembered I played while watching Oneyplays.

3 Nostalgia Critics outta 5.

I finally took the time to play this game from start to finish, right on time to play the Thousand Year Door remaster that just came out today.

Surprinsingly enough, I didn't like this one quite as much as I liked Super Mario RPG (Or at least the remaster), but I still found it to be pretty enjoyable nonetheless. It's a relatively short and easy RPG for kids, which I prefer over a more "serious" RPG, because at least these Mario ones respect my time.

I had fun exploring this version of the Mushroom Kingdom and meeting all these different places and variations of classic Mario characters. I can understand even more why Paper Mario fans are so upset about the direction this franchise has taken now.

I do have a few things I did not like tho. I don't like that they changed the parties from 4 characters to only two, especially because none of your partners in battle actually heal you or allow you to recharge your star abilities without the need for Mario to do it every single time. I also found it a bit more boring than Super Mario RPG...But that was just me really.

Overall a pretty good game. I don't know if I necessarily would recommend this one to someone who is just getting into RPGs, but it's still worth playing even after all these years.

3.5 stars outta 5. Let Peach do more shit on the side in more Mario games.

I haven't played the Sonic Advance or Rush games yet, but this one is pretty dope.

It's more of a boost to win kinda game but it's still really satisfying to memorize the level layout and zoom through each stage at insane speeds and precision.

My only complaints are that at times the game can feel to automatic with a few too many portions that just feel like cutscenes. That and the X ranks are maybe a bit too forgiving in the latest version? The first X rank I got was by pure accident and I spent quite some time messing up jumps in that run.

I only played version 1.5.0, so the game is not finished yet, but I will make sure to revisit it once it's complete. Pretty solid and still feels very complete for a game that is still a work in progress.

Another random PS3 game I just remembered I played. If it took me this long to remember then you can tell how much of an impact it left on me.

I got it on Steam for free and I probably will never play it again!

I think I had more fun playing this campaign than any of the other two. I think maybe the only thing bringing this one down is the fact that it is so short... Even if by this point I've already had enough GTA IV for a long while.

I don't know what can I say other than, it is fun. It just has better guns, more activities around the city, the new characters are all really fun and I think Luis is probably the most likable character out of these three lunatics.

It is really funny to me how much they forced you to use the parachute in this last campaing tho.

I guess they were just trying to compensate for the lack of it in the other two campaigns? And I guess Luis just happened to have a spare parachute with him at the end of the last mission. Seriously, you are going to be jumping off helicopters like every 5 minutes in this one, it's pretty funny.

4/5 I think I like it slightly more than base GTA IV just for how much closer it feels to classic GTA. My favorite of the three and a great expansion to an already great game.

So, this game was a gift from a friend and I could not be happier; just GTA IV with both of its DLC campaigns included, it really is worth getting just for that, since they are both pretty fun on their own right.

I always wanted to play this game and I'm glad I finally got to play all three versions of it. Not much more to say about it...So I'm gonna go play bowling!

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I didn't remember how funny and charming these games actually are. These absurd deaths and even successful attempts get so ridiculous at points that I can't help but laugh out loud.

I also love that these games are all expanding the lore and each game brings back more and more characters and elements from previous entries. Being able to pick completely different paths, based on the implications that you took sides with either the Toppats or the government is really cool.

4 stars and a half because this one has a girl and girls scare me.