Log Status






Time Played

21h 56m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

March 26, 2024

First played

February 17, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Exploring Racoon City Police Station for the first time is one of the best video game experiences I’ve had. The combination of tense atmosphere and intricate level design made this area both terrifying and a joy to explore; giving me a newfound interest in survival horror gaming. But unfortunately I can’t say I enjoyed the rest of the game nearly as much. The level design isn't as strong, but also suffers from some terrible boss fights and sections where you play as other characters. But besides all of that, these sections past the Police Station start placing more emphasis on the story, which I got bored of really quickly. There's nothing bad about it, but everything from the dialogue to the story beats felt so generic. Which could work if the tone of the game wasn't so self serious all the time. And on my second playthrough all these issues I had became much more apparent, slightly souring the overall experience for me. I had a lot fun with the RE2 Remake and I'm interested in playing other games in this series, but I just wish that the rest of this game lived up to those opening hours.