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The story for this game was goofy, edgy, and way over the top, just like all of its character designs. Platinum Games really can't be beat when it comes to 3D beat-em-ups like this, and when they are left to their own devices to create an IP they make magic like this. It's a shame that it feels like this game just never had a chance. The competitive free-for-all styled multiplayer felt very reminiscent of Power Stone, a large 3D arena filled with characters throwing stuff around. The unique weapon mechanics per character made this pretty large cast seem very fleshed out and interesting. The soundtrack is also a bunch of hip-hop music from various artists, and its something I often listen to outside of the game. I often go back to this one, and its very sad to see this is likely all that this and Mad World are likely all we will get from this series. Big Bull will always be one of my favorite video game characters.