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This game released about a year after the Playstation 2 released in North America, in November before the holidays. It was made on PS1 and had a more child-friendly demographic because the target market was children. The developers believed that the PS2 wouldn't be as common in households as the PS1 was, but that was obviously proven to not the case, therefore when this game finally came out it, it was a pretty big failure. This game was announced at an event right next to Twisted Metal Black, the series's first game on the PS2, just to salt the wound a bit.

For a game that came out a year after the PS1's lifespan, the graphics are not that great. The 3D looks good at a standstill, but in motion its very jagged, and the draw distance is quite poor. The controls also are nearly the same as the controls for Twisted Metal 2, which came out in 1996, with almost no improvements besides the increased framerate which leads to better responsiveness. These things coupled with the game's strange release timing made it arguably the most forgettable game in the series, but by no means the worst, considering the existence of Twisted Metal III and 4.

The level design and theme for this game are actually surprisingly very effective, and the designs for the RC cars are respectable and faithful. The gameplay as well is exactly what you'd expect from Twisted Metal. Overall the game just had some very strange marketing decisions made with it, and was likely somewhat of a backburner project alongside Twisted Metal Black, which is why it uses the old Twisted Metal 2 engine. It's sadly noticeable, but that doesn't stop it from being a unique and interesting entry.