7 reviews liked by Swordinet

This is one of those game that would greatly benefit with a proper remake. Having completed this game 100% I have to say that I can't recommend this game to the casual player. The depressing story about characters that are morally gray is the best part of this game. The gameplay leaves a bitter-sweet taste. The aerial missions are the highlight of the gameplay, being fun and interesting, but the ground missions become tiresome when the only thing you do is killing the same enemies using the same boring movements over and over again, and it doesn't feel satisfactory at all. In order to get the 100% completion of the game, you have to find all the 64 hidden weapons, and this can get incredibly tiresome and not fun at all (Like waiting for 25 minutes in a certain stage). And finally, the final secret mission in the game is going to give you nightmares. Again, if you are interested only in the story, do not play this game. Watch the cutscenes on YouTube or something.

Silent Hill 2 Enhanced Edition 4K 60fps Longplay Walkthrough Gameplay No Commentary

An intriguing series of vignettes that ultimately doesn't add up to much. Like a lot of "short story collections" (the developer's words, not mine), the quality of these episodic play structures varies from absolutely brilliant (Gregory, Lewis) to run-of-the-mill (Molly, Walter) to downright terrible (Barbara, Sam). All in all, the game suffers from a lack of a coherent tone or narrative beyond a thinly-sketched "curse" that isn't explored in any real detail, and too many characters with too little screen time. Add in the same damn plot twist that every single narrative game that stars a woman of child-bearing age (hint hint) seems to have these days, and you have a faintly underwhelming package. If you're into weird narrative games, check this out, but maybe don't buy into the hype like I did.

Trauma-induced delusions are one of the least supported and understood areas of mental health that is represented in media/larger society in general. So I was incredibly skeptical discovering there was a sequel to the original "bag of Milk" game.

The first game kind of felt like it was trying to express how the player cannot ever understand the experiences of those that exist within fiction and telling a challenging story within that. It follows a protagonist who is attempting to go outside of her home for the first time since her father died with monsters and cruel thoughts following her every step. Along the way the player is interacting with her thoughts and representing a sort of "medication" for her. This first game doesn't necessarily succeed in its aims. However due to it's short amount of timespan and ambiguity in low fidelity it surprisingly doesn't feel exploitative. Instead it just feels like a short story that presents us with ideas and images for us to carry and think about.

By making a second game in relation to this, I have to wonder what the goals are. Why do the ideas and images from the first title need to be expanded upon? Unfortunately it feels like "Milk outside" doubles down on the moments from the previous title as a means of reveling in traumatic iconography. This sheds the sympathetic lens formed from the first game's lo-fi constrained ambitions, and reveals a voyeuristic kaleidoscope of torturistic pleasure with higher fidelity animation and visuals.

I have heard there is some pretty cool stuff the game does with narrative structures and I also think it looks nice. However, I just don't feel a desire to play through more of this game's depictions of delusions and trauma.

What represents to you the most valuable part of survival horror as a genre of video game? Most modern games have decided it's the action, with tense gunplay and over the shoulder cameras. Some, most notably rose-engine with the recent Signalis, have emphasized the exploration aspects, creating a sort of miniature Metroid style of play with tense inventory management, looping environments, and limited resources. Chilean developer Dual Effect decided that their horror game, Tormented Souls, is a puzzle game first and foremost.

This game has no limited inventory, and the fixed camera means old school lock-on is utilized for gunplay. It commits hard to these old school tropes, with beautiful backgrounds that closely resemble GameCube era Resident Evil, inventory reloading, and a nearly useless map. But committing to these things showed me, at least, that these are not gimmicks - they hold up even today, and still make for an enjoyable game. Some of the puzzles are far too obtuse to be easily solved, but most of them can be accomplished without a guide with a bit of head scratching. If anything, I just wish the map marked when you had everything in a room, like the RE2 remake - this would help signpost when you had everything you needed to solve a puzzle. Other things I hope they fix in any future games would be the excessive backtracking (a few more shortcuts would have made this perfect!) and maybe a sortable inventory. Also, this is my own fault, but I didn't realize you could equip a crowbar as a melee weapon until a significant way through the game, and I weep for the ammo I lost finishing off floored enemies - a ground stomp or some sort of heads up about the crowbar would have been excellent.

In some ways, I like this a lot more than other modern attempts at survival horror. It is a very flawed game, so my score is being heavily impacted by "reviewer's tilt" - basically, I like this way more than I should on paper.

Also, the story is terrible, which I guess you could see as a problem, but I personally adored. It's survival horror, a terrible story with bad voice acting is perfect - I had a great time with it. What's less good is the main characters model and outfit, which I found to be exploitative in a lame and unfun way, and not really matching with other aspects of the game. There was apparently a patch to add a new outfit to the game, so this was partly resolved. Sexy is fine and all, that's not my complaint, it just looked really weird when placed inside the beautifully rendered environments with their The Suffering-esque enemies.

Anyway, I think I've been more negative than I actually feel about the game. For fans of classic Resident Evil, play this! It's absolutely worth the entry fee, and the brisk 7 - 10 hour playthrough doesn't drag.

Minha primeira VN, e bem... foi bem legal, não achei arrastado e até que foi muito divertido, parecia que eu tava vendo um grande episódio de Evangelion.

Mas sobre ele, eu vim com expectativas erradas, pensei que ia ser um simulador de romance tosco com os personagens de Eva mas foi diferente, foi uma historia mesmo que envolvia romance, e a historia passa bem a vibe de eva.

A atmosfera, o silencio nas cenas, as cenas desenhadas, tudo passa uma vibe de Evangelion mesmo, mas ainda assim é bem simples e comum a historia, nada nivel do anime mesmo.

É bem bacana a interface e a tal ''gameplay'' que ele tenta colocar, de voce andar pelos locais, é legal pra conhecer mas jesus amado é muito confuso, principalmente naquela parte fudida de chegar na loja de livros... perdi muito tempo naquilo

Sobre os finais, o da Asuka achei muito tosco, mas até que... realista? talvez combine com o shinji, sei lá eu to maluco.

O do meio, é bem fofo só que acaba da mesma maneira que o do Kaji, só que puta que pariu do NADA os caras lançam uma cena de nudez mané, maluco eu ri igual um arrombado quando isso rolou.

O final do Kaji é bem feliz e isso é legal mas ainda assim foi nada de mais, nem cheira nem fede. Acho que define o jogo essa frase, é fodase pra caralho, mas foi uma experiencia muito bacana e a Mana é uma personagem bem carismatica, com toda certeza melhor do que a que foi introduzida nos Rebuilds.

Recomendo quem é fã de Eva dar uma olhada no jogo.

the face mechanic even though repetitive and sometimes didnt really make sense is REALLY well made and unique, i do have some pacing problems with this game tho, homicide you have a banger case and then you get into vice and dont have the will to keep playing. I think the most important thing this game is missing is a good overall narrative outside all the cases, if you are going to make a 'episodic' crime type of game you need to have a mystery outside all the cases to make it worthwhile, good experience tho