37 reviews liked by TDcore

There are few games on this earth which are genuinely so bad and devoid of any merit that they destroy my day upon playing them. This is one of them.

Do you know the feeling of experiencing something truly horrible and just trying to forget, but the harder you try the more you think about it.

On my List of Games I never want to play ever again in my entire life, this sits at the very top.

I didn't make it past the second level. I'm shocked AVGN hasn't done a video on this. It's prime nerd material.

Unfathomably terrible. Every decision made here feels wrong. Jumping physics are off, hitboxes are super janky, power-ups don't add a whole lot, enemy AI is rudimentary at best, there is little mechanical intrigue behind gathering collectables, buttons and switches don't always do what they're supposed to do...

Of particular highlight are the character models, which are nothing short of HIDEOUS. I actually think there are a lot of solid character designs that just did not translate well into 3D, or at least this game's version of 3D. Or maybe it's just down to seeing how they animate - I guess I get how you'd stumble upon the idea of Frogger flying around by inflating his vocal sac, but boy does that look gross.

Shrek feels like an obvious point of comparison, as another conventionally ugly 3D edgy Fractured Fairy Tales take on kitchen sink fantasy referencing whatever pop culture it wants that released in 2001. But Shrek had heart and complexity, and this game does not. Actually, I wouldn't think Shrek would be a point of reference during this game's development, since that'd be a roughly 6-month turnaround time between initial releases, and dev cycles usually take longer than that. But I'm not sure what the dev cycle looked like for this. Would love to read or watch a post-mortem, if one exists.

Having said all that, this is a very fun game to think about. None of the intended ideas come together, but it's a breezy playthrough, and it's fascinating seeing how everything it's going for abjectly fails to come together. I don't claim to love it or anything, but this is far from my least-favorite game.

i wish i may i wish i must, find me a princess before i bust!


Who in the hell thought that adding more gimmick levels, making the level design of the normal levels weaker and making the controls floatier was a good idea? Good music and some levels are good. Can't think much more to praise.

Best GTA game in terms of story and mechanics

Frogger is likely the worst platformer I have ever had the displeasure of playing. I don't mind platformers being unfair if they arent a complete waste of time, and there's not many games that respect the player's time as little as frogger.

With a few fails in each level the game sends you back to the start of the level, the goal of each level is to collect 5 frogs and you have to keep repeating it till you can get all 5 without dying too many times. Add to that the fact that there's a timer so often you have to just jump in and make your way through trial and error cause there's barely enough time to learn how the hazards work.

Not only does the game not let you see more than a feet at a time due to the tiny field of view making you unable to see the dangers, there are certain platforms that would randomly kill you, and there's some rng involved with how the paths of the hazards will cross over with yours.

I cant tell if this design is pure malice or incompetence or mix of both, like there are turtles that would go underwater 1981 fucking 1981 frogger figured out how to show that they were about to go down.

I will say it was not all bad the jump of the frog in this game feels weighty and satisfying, I like the visuals and general presentation and if you cheat in infinite lives some of the levels can actually become fun to play.

But is that worth going through this game?
No, absolutely not! There are levels that take more than half an hour to beat while the music loops and you go insane trying over and over again only to die to random bullshit, do not play this game.