Croc 2 1999

Log Status






Time Played

8h 0m

Platforms Played


I hinted towards this game in my review of the first and I really didn't like it. There's not much I fully remember, but I'll try to cover as much as I can.

The controls are still sluggish, but now the difficult/impossible to move camera is much more of a pain as instead of selecting levels, they elected for an open-world selection similar to Spyro, but that game was much more fluid than this one in it's control!

Visuals aren't usually a thing I comment on unless it's warranted and here it is. They had time between the first game and this one to take their time to improve anything and this game feels like they literally just took the old game and copy pasted the assets with no extra work. It's a level of laziness that's always so galling!

The story is not much better than the first, but it is meant to be simple, if dark.

One of the worst things to experience was the merchant in this game. He's in a tent and dressed like he's from the middle-east and the voice/language they decided to give was like the offensive/comical way they spoke in Team America: World Police. "Derka-Derka!" and so on. It felt physically uncomfortable when playing the game.


There isn't too much here, apart from it oddly being very dark for a kid's game. These little evil critters sacrifice other critters into a volcano to summon their master, who was the big bad guy from the first game. Yes, the main villain is the main villain from the first game and he's back, but with a scar from their previous battle. He now takes revenge on the Gobbos too for what happened to him.

I really wouldn't recommend looking this up. The first one is ok and even then, I may have had rose-tinted nostalgia goggles giving me a more positive view of it, however, this lazy follow up wasn't worth looking into.

Gameplay + Stream