This is a game I've been waiting to play for quite sometime, however, I never actually got the chance to until recently when I decided to throw out the whole "I want to stream only old games" which has become a new set-up as I now stream a much larger variety of games weekly! But I'm getting off track.

Ori became popular not only because of the cute main character, but how beautifully animated it is and how it carries a deep, yet simple narrative by having no actual words being spoken and any dialog is fairly light. As with all metroidvania games, you will have to retrace your steps, however, unlike the games that name-sake is from the locations are unique and well-crafted enough that you don't feel like you're re-tracing the same damn corridor for the fifth time in a row. Hell, in some cases I've gotten lost because I was paying so much attention to the background and not where I should be going on the map.

I highly recommend it for any fan of Platformers/Metroidvania games.

My stream if interested in my genuine first-time experience of the game

Reviewed on Nov 07, 2023
