12 Reviews liked by THEcoolerino

not paying for this game dude wtf

One of the best Lego games and that's seriously saying something.

Perfect open world, perfect vibes from the films, perfect humor, and YOU GET TO PLAY AS THE DINOSUARS!!!

Love love love it!!!

this shit was like chicken soup for my bedrotten covid lockdown mind when i played it in 2020. i thought it was sick as fuck but i've never played any other visual novel so who knows lol. turned me transgender

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would be five stars without the car chase. near perfect game

best game in the series and its not close. the attitude era mode is the best iteration of that idea, great roster, great customization, better universe mode than 2k14, better gameplay than 12. the goat of wwe video games imo

panda roll was crazy. cant believe this got a ps2 release but overjoyed that it did

this game hurt me. they took something great and ruined it over and over and over. probably the game i have the most hours in out of anything. i loved it and i hate it and thats just the way it goes sometimes

Got a W in hex-a-gone after a year break u bet ur ass i still got it

(Minor story spoilers) When I finished with Infinite Wealth, I was left with a lot of mixed emotions on my feelings with the game. At it's best, Infinite Wealth is able to improve on the gameplay of Yakuza 7 and have some of the best and emotional moments in the series. At it's worst, the gameplay doesn't improve enough from Yakuza 7 to make a big enough improvement with messy and confusing plot points that feel at odds with one another. It's such an ambitious game with so many ideas at work but not all of them really gel well together.

The best example for this is the story, with Kiryu's portion of the story being genuinely fantastic and amazing, telling a really emotional story about dying and what dying means. On the other hand, Iciban's plot is a lot less serious and lacks any big moments of emotional depth or intrigue. Both stories are meant to connect with each other but they don't end up meshing well together well at all.

The game also completely ignores some issues I had with the first game, mainly the weak dungeons with no way to exit and renter them midway through, which leaves you having to constantly reload save files if you're under leveled, which is a bigger issue than in the last game since the level scaling is a lot worse in this game and you have to manage levels for two separate parties.

In conclusion, this game reminds me of last year's Spider-Man 2 in a lot of ways. I thought both games were great but I mainly have negative aspects to talk about each game. Both games feature two protagonists where one feels a lot more sidelined than the other. Both improve gameplay in a lot of ways and take a step back and doesn't change the gameplay enough in other ways. Overall, I am a bit disappointed with this game but it is a pretty great game overall with great gameplay and a fantastic story at points.