The game that rebirthed the Boomer Shooter genre, and one that very rightly deserves the praise that it gets. This is an amazing game in nearly every aspect, from the gameplay to the soundtrack, the environments and the enemy design, this game is absolutely pulse pounding. I would have to say on a personal level I dont enjoy the system by which the weapons are evolved, I dont like being required to play a certain way in order to complete arbitrary challenges, it warps the way I play too much, and I find myself having more fun if I just ignore all the little upgrades the game asks me to make. Regardless, besides that bit of tedium added by an unnecessary upgrade mechanic, the game is perfectly streamlined to keep the player in the fun zone, and once you start, youll find yourself at the end credits hours later asking if you really just played it for 10 hours start to finish.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2023
