Seeing zoomers being old enough to do half hour long essays on how "atcshually Sonic 06 is not that bad" because they grew up with this garbage is perhaps the most piss poor attempt at revisionism by pretentious kids who think their opinions matter because they can do some wacky effects on Adobe Premiere Pro

Reviewed on Aug 26, 2022


1 year ago

holy fucking based.

1 year ago

Sonic 06 zoomers when the kids who grew up on Sonic Forces download Premiere in 2027

1 year ago

Oh God, Imagine the horror:
Sonic Omens is an actual Masterpiece (3:54:00:)

1 year ago

Looking forward to the Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric is a Masterpiece videos in a few years from now.

1 year ago

I already go through this having to hear every other Sonic youtuber hype up Sonic Heroes every chance they get
Why Mega Man X7 is a misunderstood gem. Sponsored by Raycon.

1 year ago

I'm a zoomer who grew up with this game, and I might be biased in saying that I agree it's misunderstood due to it being my first Sonic game. However it's still a fantastic game because it's so dog shit it made me never want to touch another Sonic game which was probably the best decision I could make as human being.
Now we're pulling out the other bad revisionist take "Sonic was never good."

1 year ago

Sonic 3d blast kino

1 year ago

This comment was deleted

1 year ago


That’ll never happen because for all you could say about Sonic 2006, it was incredibly successful, with Sega reporting that the game sold 870,000 units in the United States and Europe within six months. So its total sales are likely over 1 million units.

Meaningwhile, Rise of Lyric was only released on a failed console, plays nothing like a Sonic game, and only sold a combined 620,000 copies with its 3DS game, being seen as one of the worst performing games in the series. Which suggests there won’t be as many people nostalgic for it. There’s no one making a PC remake to try and salvage ITS level design
Opinions amirite

1 year ago

06 is actually no worse than any other 3d sonic game

1 year ago

Imagine people liking things you dont

I mean Sonic 06 is legitimally horseshit but it has interesting stuff to talk about

1 year ago

"But muh ambition and passion"

1 year ago

Finally got around to watch it.
It's funny how the only argument most defenders of the game have is "It COULD have been good!"
06 is so monumentally awful that people have to argue in favor of what it could've been rather than what it actually is which is a credit that other games are rarely given.

The only good parts of 06 are the music, which is pretty much the standard for all Sonic games, the characterization of Shadow, which is thanks purely to the only guy who knows how to write him and Blaze's gameplay, which is the 2nd most unutilized character following Amy. Everything else is garbage. There are not that many other franchises that would live after reviving their main characters by way of onscreen zoophilia, and while I am a Sonic Fan I can't say the scorn for this game in particular is unwarranted.

1 year ago

What the "muh ambition" crowd fails to understand is that what they're saying is a meaningless non-argument. A lot of infamously awful games were fairly ambitious, Superman 64, the posterboy for "worst games ever" lists was an ambitious game for its time, they wanted to make a 3D open world game with Superman as the protagonist in 1999, but we all know how that turned out, and no one tries to give that game a free pass because of how it could have been. Whatever ambition a game has is almost completely irrelevant to how the final product turned out, especially since it's that final product that was put on store shelves for people to waste their money on it, not what it was aspiring to be.

Besides, I'd argue Sonic 06 isn't even as ambitious as people like to make it out to be, most of its ideas, stage tropes and concepts are just borrowed from the Adventure games. What's ambitious about reusing ideas from games that were released a generation ago and somehow doing literally everyhing worse than said games? If it weren't for Silver's gameplay being an original idea, you could very well call Sonic 06 the Adventure equivalent of Sonic 4.

1 year ago

Exactly, people have been increasingly more accepting of playing blatantly unfinished games thanks to the last generation of games normalizing those bad practices (Looking at you, No Man's Sky and CP2077) but here's the thing: Sonic Team had all the time in the world to fix this game in post patches if you want to run that argument, The 360 was only discontinued in 2016, and Xbox Live only stopped working there on October of this year. It sold well enough to be on the console's Platinum Hits budget line, we're talking of 1 million copies on a highball. While the game needed a considerable overhaul to be anything near passable, hiring some poor janitor to adjust character speed, fix the vehicle physics and perhaps get rid of that asinine death loop on Silver's boss fight was not outside the realm of possibility, they just didn't bother with it.

Kingk's argument of Gamegrumps and alike sullying the reputation of the game and making it out to be worse than it is sounds laughable since it implies that 06 not being available in modern consoles somehow equates to it being this nearly forgotten, inaccessible experience that people only revisit in their memories. While it is true that youtuber playthroughs do not count as first hand experiences, I wouldn't argue against anyone that called Big Rigs or Hong Kong 97 bad games without playing them because really, when you clip out of the loop for the 3rd time in a row due to faulty set pieces or get stuck to the wall playing Knuckles and Rouge, I'm pretty sure the blind would agree that this is not something that should happen.

I can't comment on ChaosX's Project 06 since I haven't played it yet, and while I applaud someone my age in a third world country having the coding skills and the patience to go through this game from start to finish and give it the remaster SEGA would never bother with, am I really meant to be shocked that fan projects made out of love on people's spare time with infinite time, resources and budget provided no one on the team dies is better off than a crunch-cultured company who rushes their releases out faster than Sonic's top speed? Because frankly, I'm not.
Sonic breaks people's brains

1 month ago

This is the most based take on this game, keep it up

1 month ago

Opinions amirite