Like a Dragon series ranked

List Status: Incomplete. Coming Soon: Yakuza 2/龍が如く2

It's Like A Dragon now. Get with the times old man, it's 2005

I hate the dragon engine
some baffling tone-deaf decisions in this one
Let down by the wacky story elements and the enemy AI
urghh majima I get it you're everywhere stop harassing me
Jank aside, an incredibly strong first entry.
Tantalizingly close to being one of those games you can call great with no reservations, like, ALMOST there.
It's got everything: great combat, well-written substories, more minigames and side activities than you can count. All except a good story!
It's got everything: great combat, well-written substories, more minigames and side activities than you can count. It's even got a great story!


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