7 reviews liked by TechnoBen

This game creates an relentlessly bleak atmosphere and experience. the whole dungeon is a place where the most vile depths of humanity are revealed and the player is often forced to ignore their own morality to survive. the lack of saves and often unfair deaths cause a horrible sense of anxiety throughout the whole game, which is also amplified by the unnerving music. the gameplay and narrative work together in an absolutely amazing way which really elevates the themes that are presented. even when presented with the worst possible circumstances, the player must push on and try to survive with everything trying to stop you. despite the world seeming hopeless and bleak, the drive to keep trying and never give up will keep you going back into the darkness and trying again and again. I think this game has a hopeful message at its core, which is portrayed through a hopeless experience. this is especially shown in ending a but i dont want to spoil anything in the review!!!

i can't even make a lame dismissive little joke about this, this is just cool. it actually uses the medium to increase the terror. the nudity and sex is all bizarre and uncanny, the violence is terrible, the story is real nasty. good shit

This game will break you. The setting is just as gloomy and punishing as the gameplay is, with chance dictating your fate through horrifying circumstances that add to the theme of hope-testing loss and strife. Enjoyment of this game depends strongly on your levels of bullshit tolerance, but it's a unique and fun experience once you get into peeping the horror.

This games one of the best, unlike the previous game I feel like you could actually recommend this to some one without getting blacklisted. This has to be one of the best executions of a sequel to a game I have seen in a while, unlike most sequel games this feels like it has a real reason to exist. The game improves on like everything the original did, while still keeping the same unique feel.

A short, beautiful tragedy, with a very simple yet fun gameplay loop.
Took us 10 hours to finish, at Level 50, while opting into every boss on Hard.
(Word of advice: on top of completing all 3 quests in each area, grind each area for all Critical Books as well. And only bother upgrading your 1st & 3rd skills)
Also it's free, so just give it a chance.

please ignore that i played this one

yep definitely not for me! i played today for a while and saw some things i found upsetting, so i'm not taking any chances (i mean that's on me for underestimating the content warnings, seriously read those)