I prefer the N64 version to the Gamecube when it comes to the music. The N64 version has more metal-ish music, whereas this game has more of a techno feel.

1. The graphics for the courses still look good today.
2. Even though I prefer the N64 version's music, this game's music is still good.
3. Even though I suck at racing games, I still enjoy playing around on the courses and how fast-paced the game is. I can still appreciate it.

1. The game's tutorial leaves a lot to be desired, even when reading the instruction manual. I have not Googled it, but I am guessing there are hidden mechanics the game does not tell you about that allows you to compete with the story AI.
2. The game is notoriously hard and is one of the few games that made me rage quit it. I wanted to like it so much due to Smash Bros and how Captain Falcon is so much fun to play in it, but I believe F-Zero may not be the series for me. I do not think I am much of a racing game fan. I am not sure if there is rubberbanding in this game for the AI or not, but the story difficulty is definitely up there.
3. The graphics for the cutscenes and voice acting have not aged well, and the story is bad from what I have heard. Was not able to get far into the story.

Reviewed on Oct 13, 2022
