This game is worth playing if you are into platformers. It is definitely one that is easy enough for a newcomer to video games to pick up too. It's definitely a better game than Kirby Star Allies, as you can actually enjoy it playing solo and it won't feel so empty like the other game without friends. As with about every Kirby game ever created it has him fighting some super strong enemy that can either destroy a planet/universe/manipulate dimensions as the final boss (It really is just a running gag of having this cute puff ball fight these serious strong characters at the end). There isn't much story in this game, but that isn't a detractor as that of course is not what the game is meant to be played for, same as Super Mario Bros. games.

1. Cute, beautiful looking game.
2. Solid soundtrack.
3. Enjoyable platformer overall that has a bit of a challenge for those who seek it (This is pretty much how all Kirby games are. Easy overall for the newcomer, but can be challenging also for video game veterans with the optional stuff).
4. The post game content is surprisingly good, but still quite short.
5. The copy abilities all feel powerful. They did a really good job of making them all feel unique and strong in their own right. Upgrading them all feels really good to do too and worth it.
6. The time trial challenges in the game are quite fun, and honestly I wish more were added through DLC or even just as a separate Kirby game like Toad Treasure Tracker from Mario 3D World.

1. Game is too easy, even with its challenging segments. The dodge mechanic if used makes the game laughably easy.
2. Restrictions are put on Kirby's flying ability where he can't fly forever (Never tried the easy mode, so not sure if it's different there), and he can't go as high as he wants. It's not really a con, but for me I view it as so because it just feels off not letting Kirby fly as he pleases just to make it feel more like a Super Mario Bros. game. The game punishes you for flying anyways by making your travel speed really slow which is fine, it just irked me from playing past Kirby games (I am being extremely nitpicky on this point. They restricted Kirby's flying ability in this game, so the platforming wouldn't be broken in the game, it was done for the sake of the game, which is fine).
3. The figure collecting was not for me, and I also did not like how the game would stop me in my tracks for a few seconds every time I collected a random collectible in a stage. I'm just not a huge fan of virtual collectibles in games anymore.

Reviewed on Nov 06, 2022
