One of the best Sonic games. Combines everything good about modern and classic era in a nicely wrapped gift, with the beautiful theme of remastered and remaking old stages.

A timeless classic, would return to this one for sure.

I bought this game as a kid over LittleBigPlanet.

I regret it to this day.

Snapped the CD in half a couple years ago.

The best entry on the 3DS games. While inferior to the Ultra games, the story in this game is much better. I love the characters, I love the story, and I love how it treated the anniversary of Pokemon.

Competitive for this game was fucked up and I loved it. Z-moves and Mega Evo were broken but fun as fuck. I loved how much care and love was put into these games, and they are THE 3DS Pokemon games to me.

Also Incineroar best cat. :3

I love to hate Black Ops 4. And I hate to love Black Ops 4.

Arguably one of the games I'm the most split over. Growing up, I despised this game, and for good reason. This game made MOB OF THE DEAD BAD. Like how can you fuck that up??

Then Vanguard came out.

The lack of campaign I could care less about, and the multiplayer Blackout was fun when it was around and I do miss it, I wish I could still play it.

But Zombies is the biggest thing. As a Zombies title, it does so much wrong. As its own thing, its...a good experience, honestly. The best way to treat BO4 is as it's own experience.

It's got some really good maps I've come to love! Like Tag Der Toten, Ancient Evil, IX, and Classified! Though its bad maps are...really bad, like the aforementioned Blood of the Dead as well as Voyage of Despair and Alpha Omega.

Overall, BO4 is a game that exists. I find myself coming back to it like a dog to an abusive owner, and I'd be lying if I didnt say I have fun with it. But theres so much wrong with it that causes me to just be sad about it's existence.

A wonderfully unique puzzle game with some really well-made graphics. I love the political fiction story it tells of a country similar to Cold War era Soviet Union.

Would replay sometime to get a different ending.

Some of the best storytelling in a VN Ive ever read. Its the best in the Danganronpa series. The ending has always stuck with me as one of the biggest mindfucks I've ever experienced.

What a finale to this weird but lovable series.

Probably one of my favorite Pokemon games ever, tied with the original White. They're both neck and neck for me, but this one I like a bit more.

This game improves so much from White that it is arguably better, but I played White first, and it was my first ever Pokemon, so I have a bit of a bias towards the story and progression of White.

The inclusion of non-Unovan mons, new progression, new postgame, and THE BEST battle facility ever: the PWT. I think its better than Battle Frontier, and I'll take that to the grave.

Only things I don't like is the kinda weaker story compared to its precursor...annnd thats about it. I love this game and it will always be one of my favorites ever.

Its watered down GH3! With Aerosmith!

It still has a lot of GH3's charm but it definitely has a weaker and much easier setlist. Aerosmith's great and all but their musi just dont doesnt make a difficult rock rhythm game. Still had fun with it, though.

One of the best entries for Bejeweled, a very relaxing game I return to when needing to decompress and destress.

Very fun, highly recommend this at a casual level.


Only really play this because its where Zombies started. Besides doing high rounds on Shi No, I'd rather just play the BO1 or BO3 versions of these maps.

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Absolutely phenomenal game that introduced me into the genre of Metroidvanias. Lord what a good entry title.

I have 112%ed this on PS4, but never finished Hunter's Journal, Pantheon 5, any pantheon bindings, and Path of Pain. Basically all the stupid-hard shit, but I want to.

Primal Aspids suck fuck those mfs.

I love placing brown bricks in Minecrap.

The game that made me finally understand and enjoy fighting games. This games design, gameplay, and diversity of cast is so fun!

I play Giovanna, and I'm very excited to see what Season 3 has in store character-wise. Still waiting to buy the Season 3 pass though.

It only loses a star because Happy Chaos exists.

The better version SuMo. However, I actually really...REALLY dislike how this game did it's story. It took what was already functional and good in SuMo and shat all over it. I despise this story.

However, the gameplay additions and refinement do make it better than SuMo. The vareity of wild pokemon is awesome, and a lot of my favorites are in this game.

Also the first game I completed the regional dex for. Was fun :)