I had played the original Kirby's Return to Dreamland and I honestly enjoyed the game for what it was, but I remember as years would go by, it was one of the game I'd least talk about due to it's only gimmick in my mind being that it was a 4 player Kirby game at the time with some new abilities in spots.

Now after playing this version, I'm not sure if it's because of the beautiful art style or the solid 60 fps frame rate, but I really enjoyed playing and 100% completing this game. Actually now that I think about it, I believe it might be because of the 3DS Kirby games were so great, it made me appreciate what this game actually did.

This game's main story didn't really change at all, but it did add the Magolor Epilogue which I have to say is a very nice addition to the game and kinda brings fresh feel to the game since in the past games when you had "Helper Hero" or you ran the game with Meta Knight or King Dedede they kinda felt like extensions of the abilities Kirby already had (example: Sword and Hammer abilities) while in this story Maglor plays VERY different and feels much like his own character with his own stages and overall adventure. This alone for me felt like a great addition and was worth the purchase.

The rest of the game while updating the graphics and music, also added tons of stuff referencing the past games and this honestly felt like a giant love letter to the franchise disguised as a remake, yet it's so much more than that. I loved every second of playing the game, I can definitely recommend it to Kirby fans and those who haven't played Return to Dreamland this is the perfect game to get because it has pretty much everything the original plush fine tuned. I will say it's hard to recommend if you've played the original before and/or recently, because it's not a huge amount of changes at once, so may wait to get it cheaper if that's your situation, but any other scenario, get it! It's amazing.

Reviewed on Apr 18, 2023
