4 reviews liked by TevGames

what happened to payday..
this game is absolute a kick in everyone's balls for people that liked payday 2.
sure they added a lot of new mechanics but the servers were trash at launch (in all fairness this got fixed), there is barely any maps and the menu's are worse if you can believe it..
they had a great system for finding matches in payday 2 they completely changed this for just a button where you look for random games of a certain maps meaning you can't see if someone is trying to stealth or go full on loud mode.

now my recent experience was not to bad because i saw an update where they added two new maps from the old game and it plays a little like which is nice to see but not even a week later they announce a paid DLC... like wtf your game isn't even fixed yet and people still have many issues with it and you are already trying to rake more money out of us absolutely disgraceful
for context the dlc is 18 euros which is almost half the price of the game for a map that is small as hell 3 weapons a some cosmetics

my advice is try it on gamepass or wait for a big sale if you really want to try it but i rather play payday 2

Really enjoyed the story, unfolded in a way that really drew me in. Gameplay was fun too I loved the traversal and structures system. BTs and mules became a bit too easy around half way through but other than that it was great. Graphics and soundtrack were amazing too.

A fun first stage and a great beat on the pause screen can't save the rest of this game. Lots of technically impressive looking levels with a lot of unique gimmicks... but the game's difficulty is such horseshit. A game made to torment children.

I loved this game. The game shifiting to different modes as the story progresses was so extremely interesting and well done. Wish more people I knew had played this.