Enjoyable, it has an okay story, good songs, but stands out in the art direction, the watercolor style is really beautiful.

Finally, mastered this after 9 years I guess (that's how old my save is, obviously didn't play all this time)
A nice game at all, don't know how to review this, now is 5:40 AM and I need to sleep

It's even fun to pass the time, but the mechanics are boring, the characters very similar, with no variety of basically nothing and extremely repetitive.
Basically, who was born to be Brawhalla will never be Smash Bros.

Fun to kill time and extremely cheap, Pixelart reasonably beautiful, mechanics of creative murder, but for those who want to master, the simple fun becomes a torture of at least 3 repetitive and suffered hours (considering you are playing without walkthrough).

Very fun game and ahead of its time, after the sequel's release, it ends up looking a little weak, mainly (in my view) because it's extremely boring to get all 120 power stars, but otherwise a great game for sure.