Overrated. Combat is fine, wasn't a huge fan of the ship combat. Story is kind of a slog to get through despite Edward being a solid protagonist.

Marginal gameplay improvement from 2 with a worse story.

Just bland and uninteresting. Feels like a step forwards, two step back from Unity. The parkour is similar, but more hand-holding with no manual jumping. Combat is simplied further with no real weight. Stealth is fine.

Aged suprisingly well over the years and the beginning of one my favorite stories in AC.

Beautiful art, feels like an interative graphic novel with plenty of branching storylines. Was really invested in where every character ended up.

Solid build-up to episode 2 of LIS 2. Explores an interesting dynamic between Chris and his dad.

Just incredibly cozy and explores Steph's character well and does suprisingly alot with world-building despite being confined to the store.

Sorry Lord Shimura, being the Ghost is just too much fun.

Combat vastly improved from the first, but the story isn't as focused and well-crafted.

Kiryu now also has Ichiban's Dragon Quest Schizophrenia.

I wish I liked this more, but I just got bored.

A captivating detective mystery that keeps you engaged with some stellar combat.


Scenic enviornments, pretty art style, cozy story and while the gameplay loop is incredibly basic, it is calming/relaxing in a way.