A relatively relaxed puzzle game, I played the game with the guide that tells you if a part is solved the whole time because I was oblivious to what the remove guide symbol that was used meant.

Definitely my preferred way to play, just enough of my smooth brain used to make me feel accomplished while being a fun time.

The different mechanics used in the puzzles as you progress were awful fun and I'd love an expanded version.

(I promise I'll play it without the guide, I swear, keep your eyes peeled for the mastered log of this lol)

I've been playing this with friends and my god it's complicated but fun. Despite having completed the games main goal and getting the ending screen I honestly feel like I barely scratched the surface, there's so many layers here what with efficiency options, ideas for bases you can try etc.

If you enjoy logistic games you'll get on great with this I think.

I really like this game, the early gameplay really draws you in and blooms so beautifully as you go.

You go from crafting every recipe and struggling to produce unique reagents to recording massive amounts of potions and haggling back and forth trying to find the best ways to produce lots of quality potions.

It's a bit of a shame that it doesn't have an ending (as of yet) but it almost feels on brand for the game to just keep going or for you to hang up your cauldron stirring hat when you've had enough.

Think I'll be back sometime for that 100% but for now I've had a whale of a time.

Pikmin 2 has been on my backlog for a long time and this felt like a good opportunity to finally get to it.

I remembered Pikmin 2 being a bit of a slog back in the day and spent a lot of time trying to build up a load of pikmin to make the game easier which led to me never actually bothering to finish it.

Years on this really hasn't changed much, I really do like 2, but it's a brutal game and I abused the ability to just quit and reload the cave level a lot because my god it's easy to stumble into a bad situation by the sheer number of fearsome critters the game just slams into every cave, especially late on.

But for all that I really did still enjoy my time with the game and found it a lot easier to enjoy the game if I accepted that sometimes I'd lose a lot of Pikmin, something I feel all the games try and gently teach you, you're supposed to care if they die but bear the burden of losing a good 80 in a day as long as you have the reserves to carry on.

After finally finishing 2 I felt it was only right to revisit the first game and found myself (not unpleasantly) surprised by how short it is, easily completed in a few sittings and full of interesting little niches, shortcuts and some optional bosses that I don't remember and wonder if I ever saw, overall its weird how much like a trial run the first game feels.

Overall I'm so glad that the first game has held up so much compared to my cherished memories of it and while I'm not sure I'll ever be eager to play 2 again I don't think I dislike it's sometimes brutal difficulty as much as I feared I would.

It's a decent game, enjoyed my time with it but the later levels get a bit ridiculous just feels like cranking difficulty for the sake of it. May return to it later but I can't push through the last few levels.

It's fine, its like any other merge mobile game, trying to get money outta you with nice simple but pleasing gameplay, it has a strong 'if you wait you'll get progress' backbone which is I feel the thing that makes a mobile game 'money hungry but not evil' and in a modern games industry where making money is mostly the goal I can respect a game that has a balanced approach to trying to tempt money out of you.

Obviously it has the same issues any game hoping for whales does but again not trying to take a stand against an embedded unethical practice here.

It's tough in this day and age to make the 2.5D platformer and actually cut through the vast library of other perfectly good ones to shine through but I truly believe this nails it.

I really enjoyed Bramble, it's setting feels fresh, don't think there's many games that really lean into Scandinavian folklore and I really dig that, I also really like how each tale is introduced and tied together into a coherent story.

Definitely recommend playing.

The mechanics for this game are super interesting, the idea of having to wait for units to be able to feed them orders is unusual but fun and the fog of war and recon system is neat but I'm just not getting on with it right now, I'll have to come back another time.

Absolutely cracking game, a micro city builder and roguelike at the same time, I'm only suspending my playthrough purely because of how much time I'll end up losing if I don't!

If you like city builders please give this a go, it's new, fresh and interesting to play with all its own style and ideas.

The dive into terrible mobile games with mistplay continues, its honestly scary how predatory these things are.

Another mistplay game baby! this isn't very good, theres probably some primal appeal to merge games, or maybe its just easy to use as skinner box fodder

I've put this game off as I've not played Limbo yet, but I regret not playing it sooner now, its fascinating, fun and tense and you can see why this game is one of the games people claim as inspiration for their own entries in this and similar genres.

Give it a go if you haven't already.

My mistplay greed again here, this ones actually allright, from what I've played its more like something like clash royale the only big issue being that you have specials and each loss uses these up.

You can buy more for in game money and I assume eventually real money, I have no idea if you can't play if you don't have any and I'm willing to bet you can't which if the case is not ideal, fun enough if you like match 3 games and wanted to battle other real players.

I've always loved the pikmin series since I played the first on GC and this game sure didn't disappoint. The refinement of the seeming goal of the games to encourage multi tasking and efficient movement has been honed here to perfection.

I have to admit I wasn't a massive fan of 3's character switching approach to this same idea, it wasn't bad just difficult for my soup brain to get it right in the time trialy optional segments.

Here however I can see myself trying to get all the platinum medals on challenges eventually, its so fun to play and the controls so nice to use.