This was my first walking sim and the story for me was really gripping.

Rating it for my list because I remember coming home from school, laying on my bed propped up on my elbows, 3 feet away from my CRT, playing this like it was the greatest thing in the world. I got so into it that if I fell from a great height, I would feel it in the pit of my stomach as if I was falling. SO GOOD.

In my heart, Destiny gets a 8 out of 5 stars. But in reality, it has hurt me way too much for me to be so blind. I adore so much about this franchise and enjoy it whenever i play. But it sucks up so much of my time and patience and i feel like i can never truly get everything out of it because i cannot sit for 3-5 hours at a time to complete raids.

The second best! When i played this it had been a long long time since i was so head over heels with an action game. I want to say this is the last game I played on PS4 and what a way to end a generation.

I remember the day this came out. I remember my wife knowing I wanted it and her coming home from work to surprise me with it. It very quickly became my favorite game at the time. So much cinematic action, it was like playing a modern Indiana Jones and I loved every second.