Log Status






Time Played

1h 27m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 31, 2020

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Review #21 - 2020

One run through and I was instantly hooked. This was a game I saw a streamer do often. They would include their chat members by making them NPCs that join your party as you journey your way to Canada, defeating hoards of zombies along the way. Scenarios are so varied, you never really know what will happen to you each run. You meet strange characters along the way, that can greatly effect the way your run will go. Are they to be trusted? Sometimes they are, other times, not so much. The game is silly, varied, and VERY fun. Combat gets insane and overwhelming at times, making you really consider how you want to go about the decisions you make regarding whether or not you should explore a town, or keep moving. Goodness, sometimes choosing to keep moving can ruin a run. I love how random this game can be. So yeah, definitely worth your time, and if you're a streamer, I HIGHLY recommend including your chat in your live runs by making characters based on them. Makes the game interactive for streams, and you can see if a chat member will either make your run, or break it. Makes for great post stream conversations with your community. Such a blast this game is.