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Time Played

1h 35m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 11, 2018

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Review #6 - 2018

I got involved with this game after they released it as free-to-play for that weekend during E3 2018. It's Quake, and plays like Quake, which hey, no complaints there. It has a more current day aesthetic, but it's nothing that ruins the experience for me. They've also included characters from other Bethesda titles as well, which is a pretty nice touch. I enjoy the option of being able to run around fragging people as Doomguy.

The game plays fine from my experience, but that's if you can get a match going these days. I rarely pick up this game because of that. It's an enjoyable game for someone like me who plays casually, but I can see why diehards would have trouble getting into this one, which for whatever those reasons are, is probably why the game is dying.