Tunic feels like a magician. Its ability to hide just the right information from you, to divert your attention away from its secrets until you discover with a shock that they were right under your nose is unlike anything I've played in years. I had some frustrations with certain combat encounters, but when I was able to strictly focus on unraveling its mysteries, I found Tunic spellbinding.

Shredders is unpolished, features snowboarders attempting to do voice acting, and is generally a lot of fun. Once I wrapped my mind around the controls, I found it really satisfying to make my way down the small slices of mountain the game presents to you. I wish it opened up more areas from the start, and behaved more like a sandbox, but Shredders has been more than worth the time I've put into it.

The demo for Triangle Strategy, featuring the opening three chapters of the game, left me underwhelmed and unsure if I should buy it.

I'm glad I pushed through those doubts. It doesn't take much longer before your characters start gaining the abilities that make them tactically interesting and unique, and the worldbuilding starts paying off with a grounded, intriguing story in which there are no easy choices. If you're at all into the genre, this is a real delight.