Log Status







Time Played

1018h 39m

Days in Journal

13 days

Last played

May 19, 2024

First played

December 27, 2015




1018h 39m


First Time

May 2024



Kane and I decided to game it up! We got our butts whooped in most games, haha! It was still fun getting to talk about life, plans, jobs, and eSports. I want to see if he would be interested in joining my YouTube channel now that Summer has rolled back around.

1h 38m



After Fortnite, it was on to Halo. We for once got to be on the other end of the typical booty spanking which was nice. The only problem was Brook's brother, Justin, was ranting the whole time in the background. Then, for whatever reason, he started shouting obscenities at me, when I was entirely silent. Getting tired of the people that hang around Kane attacking me for no reason...

1h 47m

April 2024



Kane wanted to meet up but Lauren and I were out on a date - so we played Halo instead! Wasn't the best night for us (we both kinda stunk). There was one game where I went crazy but we still lost, haha! Regardless, it was nice that he reached out. It's probably because he's going to have a kid and wants to enjoy what little free time he has left...

1h 16m



Played a couple of rounds of Halo 3 with Kane - did fairly well even though we got rocked, hehe. I do feel like I am improving at multiplayer games in general. It seems like my confidence is growing or I am starting to hit the threshold of I have played enough so I start to pick up on things intuitively. Although, there are still surprises to be found - like seeing Davey banned after getting 5 no scopes with a sniper, being called a cheater, and having a plus 3 K/D...

1h 2m



Kane and I switched over to Halo but only for a little bit - the tornados interrupted our plans yet again! Oh well, they were okay and so were we, so that is all that matters.

0h 30m

March 2024



Had a blast gaming with Kane! Got in a bunch of Halo 3 games and I did not do too terrible - finished top three most matches!

1h 59m



Kane and I switched over to play some modded Reach! This cursed Halo mod added a ton of wild weapons and general craziness to the Reach campaign. Instead of sprinting forward, you run backward - you could use an Xbox 360 as a weapon. My favorite thing was seeing Kat physically mount herself onto the Warthog turret and spin violently as I shot lasers!

1h 35m

February 2024



Got a couple games in while chatting it up with Kane - in such a better mood after talking with my buddy!

0h 30m

January 2024



Switched over to Halo after Fortnite - we saw some success! I consistently did well - feel like I am getting better at shooters. Towards the end it got shakey and we went up against guys in Swat that were obviously cheating... Still had a good time!

2h 34m



Played a couple of rounds of Halo with Davey and Kane. The former got drunk and eventually went to smoke and never came back - Kane and I switched to Fortnite

1h 0m



Played some Halo 3 again with Davey and Kane - did not have as much fun since Davey was annoying... But I will not let that detract from a successful interview today!

1h 30m



Had a little fun with Kane and Davey - it was nice of Kane to reach out! Played some classic Halo 3.

1h 0m

December 2015


