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1 day

Last played

February 18, 2023

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Solid game, but falls short of being great. (disclaimer: this is from a Three Houses lover)
Cast of characters is great, with everyone being a loveable weirdo.
Voice actors all did a good job - Alear might be the most basic protagonist out there, but letting him actually have emotions really made him more endearing than most non-voiced protags.
Gameplay is fun and most of the maps are hits.
Sommie :)
Some really good support & bond conversation moments exist
Being able to walk around battlefields after clearing them is cool
Music is amazing - both the remixes and original songs go hard.

Somniel feels like the monastery with fewer activities, which would be fine except what is there feels way more time consuming and less rewarding.
90% of the paralogues being reserved for emblems rather than furthering characters or recruiting more than 2 was a bit disappointing, especially since all but a few characters have absolutely zero story relevance after the chapter you recruit them.
Story has a few solid moments, but most of the stuff near the end feels rushed or just way too cheesy.
Lots of money sinks, but you barely get any money most of the time and skirmishes usually aren't worth playing.
Really wish the 10 rewind limit either persisted into Normal or was a separate setting from difficulty (even tying it into Classic/Casual would be better tbh)
Augmenting Engage weapons is too expensive, and Tower of Trials runs take way too long (both solo & having to wait for people to finish a run you started).
The final map feels pretty disappointing.