17 Reviews liked by TheFrontMans

Trillions of microtransactions
Terrible balance
In summary: This game is ridiculous, a 2,5/5
I'll give 4 stars just because i really like dragon ball lol
not recommended at all

É ruim? Sim, mas roda em qualquer porcaria. É aquele jogo que dá pra jogar com seu priminho no samsumg mini pocket dele e se divertir um pouco.

um lixo, maçante, bugado. Pior jogo que joguei nos últimos tempos.

dragon ball é bom. esse jogo não.

Bad gameplay, just like farcry 5.
Looks like a farcry 5 dlc, but extremely expensive.
Ruins the god tier story from farcry 5, with a joseph nothing like the original joseph.
AND, it has lots of paid microtransactions.
This game sucks.

Reasonable optimization, good graphics, good levelation, good gameplay and systems. Lots of bugs (open beta), but I believe it will be solved when the game launches. You should wait for a discount to buy it.

Too expensive for a game released 10 years ago but with a 60 fps mod.

This review was written before the game released