42 Reviews liked by TheHeckingFrog

I tried to say 'getting big sim city vibes' whenever I heard good jazz music but no one ever laughed. their loss

Love it when a game just goes out there, does its thing, and says, hey man, thanks for playing. You want some more of this? Sure, you could 100% it. It'll take a little time, but you could. You don't have to though, that's up to you. Haha alright man, talk to you later.

Cute game! You go around making your followers happy while occasionally delving into dungeons to hit things with weapons. The song that plays when you're in your cult area rules. Comat could use some more depth I guess. It's only a 10ish hour game though, and maybe 65% of that is spent fighting things. That's what, like 6.5 hours of fighting things? It feels good anyway, so by the time you're getting a little bored of hitting the X button, you're at the end. I'm sure there are some FREAKS out there who will 100% this game and won't like it as much. That's up to you though.

Fantastic blend of dark humour, roguelite gameplay and village management. Nothing else like it and a treat to play. It is full of bugs but that did not distract me enough from what I’d consider one of the top games of the year. Nothing else like it.

literally a game made for me. cutesy but a little evil. cute farming & taking care of your friends (servants) but mini dungeon crawling. not as punishing as other roguelites but still challenging enough to sweat out a build. also, it coming out with the twitch integration on release day (despite some bugs) made this an amazing game to stream. devolver puts crack in their games when they publish them.

While not complete, what is currently here is very promising compared to the original!

With the final Overwatch event finally rolling out, I wanted to leave my thoughts on this game.

It certainly is hard to talk about Overwatch without at least glancing over at all the serious and cartoonishly evil things Blizzard have done over the years, but I’m not really going to go over that. Blizzard is deserving of every ounce of criticism and backlash they get, though.

Overwatch has been an important game for me ever since it released in 2016, because it gave me almost everything I wanted in a shooter. (If only I could aim down sights with every character—) Since launch day, I’d been playing this on and off for over 6 years. This is the only game I’d ever kept up with for that long.

Blizzard definitely have made some weird, and bad decisions with characters in the game, gameplay-wise, but I’ve never felt upset or outraged about Mercy’s rework, or Hook shenanigans, or how busted Moira or Bridgette were, like how other people have felt. And I’m not saying those people were wrong, but for me, all of that was like little events that kept the game stupid fun or interesting.

I have a lot of memories of playing this with my friends, and every hiccup from the game or from one of us being shit just made that experience much more fun.

I don’t think Overwatch deserves ALL of the flak it’s been getting, especially after Blizzard decided to shit all over themselves in the last 2 or so years, and this will just forever be an oddly special game for me.

Whoa whoa, hold on, a first party title from Sony that ISN'T an interactive movie???
Returnal rocks and god bless the devs for not just dropping it completely and actually releasing a radical update i haven't even gotten to try yet. Based Housemarque

i think i might need to go to rehab after this

Fun with friends for like 20min.

Fun dating sim with a twist! Very replayable and enjoyable with friends through co-op.

"Fate is just what you call it when you don't know the name of the person screwing you over."
-Lois, Malcolm in the Middle (2000)

I added this to my Switch Wishlist about four years ago but only got around to playing it thanks to PS Plus Extra. Although I'm glad I didn't pay for a shittier version on the Switch, I might buy this when it's on sale to support the indie devs because this was actually pretty good!

Halfway through the game, I didn't think I'd write a review as it would've been negative with the saving graces being the art direction (nice colours, dreamy watercolour depth-of-field, great animations) and its accompanying score. I got what is was doing. It showed how you shouldn't misplace your anger because the world is deterministic and you replaying the SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN is exactly like how you replay things in your head in order to rationalise your own mistakes before admitting that you just fucked up. I got that, it just wasn't fun to play.

But once you get the four main puzzles out of the way (70% of the game), it ends superbly and outweighs the tedium. Perhaps it was intentional to disarm us with such boredom in order to catch us off-guard with the emotional ending as the writers are clearly smart. But they also made me watch that car crash 40 times with an overly loud and comical explosion that it lost all weight and would make me laugh so... I doubt it. Seriously though, the ending to this made my body feel weird and numb which was ridiculously surprising. The voice-work meshing with the pensive score along with the repetitive gameplay of the Old Man level really filled me with such dread. Not to mention the trophy/achievement names adding to that which is a really nice touch.

Overall, I think it's worth it for the ending but even without the ending, it is a gorgeous game to look at with some clear heart and passion put into it that has its charm. But it still is, overall, a poor execution of a good concept in my eyes.

I dunno. Hope that makes sense. Make your own mind up. This is one of those one-sitting indie games that people either love or hate.