42 Reviews liked by TheHeckingFrog

gets a little repetitive, but the generation is fun and the achievements are fun to try to get

Weapons definitely weren’t made for pvp but they def found a way to make it happen nonetheless

The pieces are beautiful, but it's better just to log in in Chess.com and play.

I went for the secret ending. shortest game ever

I only bought this for the content in gmod lol

I bought 5D Chess, I got 5D Chess.
Really cool concept, if a bit overpriced.

When this game was nominated for "Most Pretentious Indie Game" at the 2013 Vidya Gaem Awards, the minimalism that matched our award show's theme that year (minimalism) seemed a biting irony.

The truth is that the game isn't nearly as pretentious as its pretense-ious title suggests. Indeed, thomas was alone, but he doesn't end alone. The idea is that the world needs eachother to get along and to play off each other's strengths to make it to the next level. I don't think that's a horrific concept. It's achieved just fine here.

Probably the only corny thing here are the minimalist aesthetics, appropriate for the era in which it was developed. Remember the school of "material design" that was being pushed by Google at the time, flooded with long shadows? This is it. Add Danny Wallace as the narrator and you certainly have the snark that makes people hate this game.

Still, it's a puzzle game, and it does its job pretty well, although of course some levels are more frustrating and difficult than the ones that come after it. The party of Thomas grows with each successive chapter and I think by the end, you'll find that Thomas is no longer alone after all.

It's neat how with the help of good narration that even a bunch of rectangles and squares can become memorable. I've played this game about three times or four times in the many years I've owned it and still feel this way about it.
The platforming aspect can be tricky and a pain in the ass at times, but overall I think the main story with Thomas and his group is worth seeing to the end.

Made me understand why people like 4X games so much. The amount to which you can zoom in and out in this big tactical simulation of a space world war is genuinely breathtaking, and the game has this great sense of humor and wonder in equal measure to propel the whole thing forward with its tongue in its cheek just enough.

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it good

i find it difficult to rate this now that Ultra Deluxe exists - this game forms the basis for everything UD is, so of course it's good, but I'm not sure I recommend playing it over UD. Looking at it in a vacuum though, 5/5.

A surprisingly broken version of Monopoly, filled to the brim with unpolished graphics and unbearable performance.
At the very least, it technically functions.

I played this on a whim with a friend back in my old apartment. She was staying over to dodge some family shit and we ended up playing through the entire game in one night, staying up till 4am to finish it. I recommend the back half of the game to be played during the witching hour especially.

killed by foxy on the first night explaining to my friend how to play the game